Surviving climate change and alien terrorism .......................... link exchange  |    contact us  |    privacy policy  |    legal disclaimer     














Surviving Climate Change or Invasion or Terrorism or Aliens.

Survival is very much the same, no matter which scenario you take.

Although it may seem odd for me to talk about alien invasion, it was very much my way of commenting on real terrorism in this world and how at risk we were and are.


How to survive climate change or an alien invasion is no simple exercise. Hollywood portrays survival as difficult yet possible. Any strategy computer gamer, will have some idea of what is needed to suvive during a time of alien invasion, climate change, natural or man made catastrophes.

I will discuss each of the following in turn more fully as I go: First rule of survival is to have enough safe food and water. The second rule is too have a defensible position or a covert stealth hidden position. The third rule is to have shelter and enough clothing and blankets to keep warm. The fourth rule is be prepared to defend what you have.

OK. Food and water sounds easy, a survival ration might consist of 6 servings of cooked rice per day (900 grams or 2 pounds cooked per day - which is about one third by weight of rice, two thirds by weight water) per person. Add a good multi vitamin pill. Water, survival ration at least 3 litres per day for cooking and drinking. For variety, you could substitute a serving of rice for a serving of pasta. Why pasta and rice are the basis of the survival ration? They are readily available, only about $1 dry ingredients per kilo or 2 pounds and in their dry state they can often last for years, so are good for long term storage. Other things to consider adding include sugar, wholemeal self raising flour, iodised table salt, plain flour - again cheap, good shelf life. So, to keep a family of 4 survivng for a year, would cost around around $500 for a year. Assuming you don't take many vitamin pills and the water isn't paid for.

Now to the idea of a defensible position. In reality, these are almost next to impossible to achieve. A house is not defensible, it provides shelter and marks legal boundaries. A house can be penetrated from many different angles and in many different ways. A petrol bomb through a window or down a chimney should they be able to detect the occupied room. A gun, a rifle, an arrow. These are things that can be used at distance to take out an occupant. Penetrating a house is easy. Those dead bolts on the doors and those key lockable window locks - their main function is to slow a thief down that may be trying to exit a house with large itmes, or to make the thief make noise when trying to get out of the house. People can easily enter through the roof you see. You could try setting booby traps, might even get a couple of aliens or raiders, but it just warns the others you are there and that your protecting food and water. Then all they have to do is run a truck or bulldozer into it. In the days of old, only the very very rich castle owners could withstand an assault for several weeks. Once technology reached to gunpowder or large boulder throwing devices, even these inpenetrable homes became weak.

So, what's left is, to use nautical terms, silent running. Find a position that is not conspicious but still provides a vantage point to see what's going on. You may be safe unless someone sees a light, or a flame, or smoke, or noise, or smells a smell... I doubt that a city will offer a safe place, simply because as people die, as mentioned above, the vermon and disease that follows is not something I would want to contend with.

The biggest threat you are possibly going to face will be young adults / aliens trying to find food. Essentially they have grouped together to take it from anyone who tries to stop them.

In the end, it may come down to just one question, if they are prepared to take it from you, what are you prepared to do to keep it? Your survival depends on your food, water, clothing, blankets, shelter. Some Christians, Muslims and so on will find this a difficult question. The right to take life is suppose to rest with the State, but what happens when the State isn't there to protect and bring justice? Another question that pertains to this is: Are you intending to reinhabit the world, or just buy a few extra months of life? If it's climate change, whether or not induced by aliens, if the the change occurs too rapidly, society as we know may end. Areas able to support human life should continue in some places, so our goal, I guess is to survive long enough to travel and settle in one of them. Again, however, what would you do if the existing owners tried to stop you from living there?

At the moment, coming out of winter 2006 here in Australia - the last I heard was that some farmers were already having crop failure due to lack of rain, that at best, the country was only functioning on about 20% of it's normal rainfall. Down south, areas that were onced rained on for months on end every day, are now getting a few millimitres, a small fraction of an inch, every few days. Huge rainwater tanks that would once be overflowing in the blue mountains outside Sydney at this time of year are now almost empty.

How do I see things panning out? If we get the drought breaking rain they describe for late this year or early next year, then we should be able to go on much as usual albeit with all the water restrictions still. If that rain doesn't come, then we can probably deplete our storage silos for a year or more, but then if we still haven't gotten enough rain - assuming the farmers by this stage have seed left to plant - we become a dried up husk for the most part. Yes our coastal areas should get rain, but the rain will be more unreliable and when it does come they reckon it will be more devastating more often with floods and winds. The problem is, we just don't know if the climate is changing rapidly, or whether it's just a momentary phase that's been going on for a few years but will soon self correct. Also, we don't know how accurate the computer simulations are that are forcasting these changes, particulary at a local level. Think about it. How reliable is your local weather forecasts? Where I live, everytime they predict rain or severe thunderstorms we are lucky if we see a sun shower.

There are various scenarios I will talk about, such as what happens when the food supply gives out before the water supply, or vice versa. But it's late, so I'll resume this another time, hope I haven't made too many errors.

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